Why Time Matters

Customer experience is the key business differentiator of the 2020s (and beyond). 

It is exceptionally difficult to build and sustain a competitive advantage rooted entirely in price, selection, or even quality. But it is entirely possible for a business to be the best in its category at how it makes customers feel.

But if you accept that customer experience is the best way to gain and keep customers, how does that actually work day-to-day? What processes must a business stop, start, or change to markedly enhance customer experience enough that it becomes a deciding factor?

There are nearly infinite ways a business COULD alter their behaviors to enchant customers and prospects, but it turns out there is just ONE that matters most:


It doesn’t matter if a business is the “best” among competitors, as long as it’s always the fastest. 

This new national research study confirms it: speed and responsiveness should be job one in any customer experience enhancement initiative.

66% of  People Say Speed is as Important as Price

This national study of more than 1,900 consumers is a deep dive into the critical correlation between speed and customer satisfaction, loyalty, purchase propensity, and more. 

Conducted in partnership with StatSocial, this research was fielded as the pandemic abated, and produced many critical insights on how consumer attitudes about responsiveness have been altered. 

Do you have a customer experience challenge you need to solve? Reach out via email at jay@jaybaer.com. You can be sure I’ll get back to you VERY FAST!

I’d be honored to present the highlights of this material at your meeting or event. Or, we can collaborate on a custom version of this study fielded solely to your own customers or prospects.